Scientific Journal

Scientific Journal of the Hellenic Companion Animal Veterinary Society (HCAVS)


Hellenic Journal of Companion Animal Medicine - Volume 6 - Issue 2 - 2017


Hellenic Journal of Companion Animal Medicine - Volume 6 - Issue 2 - 2017The recently published Shanghai Ranking’s Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (GRAS) 2017 contains rankings of universities in 52 subjects. In total, more than 4,000 universities were ranked and of these, over 1, 400 are published in the league table.

The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is featured among the top universities in 19 out of 52 subject areas and, in 5 areas, it appears among the top 200 universities.

The School of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, ranks among the top 101-150 universities in the area of Veterinary Medicine. In addition, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Thessaly is also in a very good position.

On this important occasion of the School of Veterinary Medicine, A.U.Th being in such a privileged position, I would like to highlight the intense amount of effort being made in the School, with regard to the levels of education of both undergraduate and postgraduate students, of research into all fields of Veterinary Science, of the instruction, of the contribution to the society through the medical care of companion animals, of the assurance of public health through the control of food of animal origin and its contribution to National Economy by way of maintaining and improving livestock in our country.

As is widely known, the School of Veterinary Medicine, A.U.Th has received a positive assessment by EAEVE (European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education) since 2011 and is currently preparing for the next assessment-certification for the period 2020-2021. The participation of our School in the list of the positively assessed Schools of Veterinary Medicine of Europe brings various benefits not only for the students, but also for the veterinary graduates. The Schools that have received a positive ranking are characterised by the high quality of services provided, the efficiency in an infrastructure in terms of materials, the availability of a sufficient number of scientific and technical staff, as well as the student-to-staff ratio. Finally, and by no means least, the Schools that have received a positive ranking are considered to provide students with a high level in theoretical, practical and clinical training.

The Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Thessaly is preparing for its assessment by the EAEVE for the first time.

Another achievement of the School of Veterinary Medicine, A.U.Th is the recognition by the RCVS (Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons) of the Masters in Medicine and Surgery of Companion Animals, which enables students to qualify as Advanced Veterinary Practitioners. As a result, the holders of these Diplomas have the opportunity to start working in Great Britain straight away.

All of the aforementioned achievements are due to the significant, sustained and multidimensional efforts made by the scientific, administrative and technical staff of the School of Veterinary Medicine. As a consequence, these achievements did not in any way decline due to the all too familiar economic conditions. However, the search for alternative funding solutions continues to be sought, in order to provide the students with a comprehensive education and services. This ensures that the standard of graduates is becoming higher and the School receives a positive assessment in the future as well.

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