Scientific Journal

Scientific Journal of the Hellenic Companion Animal Veterinary Society (HCAVS)


Hellenic Journal of Companion Animal Medicine - Volume 3 - Issue 2 - 2014

Instructions for authors


The Hellenic Journal of Companion Animal Medicine (H.J.C.A.M.) is a peer-reviewed, bilingual (Greek and English), publication of the Hellenic Companion Animal Veterinary Society (H.C.A.V.S.), which aims at the continuing education of the companion animal practitioners.

Manuscripts should be submitted for review, with the consent that they have not been submitted simultaneously or published in part or in full, to other journals.

The aim of the journal is to publish articles dealing with all aspects of companion animal medicine. Manuscripts that will be considered for publication are of the following types:

1) Editorials: Short articles or commentaries of current issues and topics commissioned by the Editorial Board.

2) Reviews: They cover modern veterinary issues. They should present the most recent information available and the clinical experience of the authors, while they may also contain the conclusions of original articles or case series of the authors. Reviews should be written by one to three authors, and their length should be limited to 5.000 words and up to 50 references.

3) Original articles: These are original studies of basic and clinical research or prospective studies. The main text should be limited to 4.000 words and up to 50 references.

4) Case reports: Detailed description of unique or rarely reported clinical entities or application of new diagnostic methods or therapeutic interventions of one to five cases. If the number of cases presented is more than five then the manuscript will fall under the category of a Retrospective study. The text should be limited to 3.000 words and up to 20 references.

5) What is your diagnosis: An interesting, unusual or a common but with a rare clinical manifestation case can be presented as a “diagnostic challenge”. The text should be limited to 1.500 words and up to 15 references.

6) Time for diagnostics (remember how…): These is a presentation of a diagnostic or therapeutic procedure in companion animal medicine. The text, limited to 2000 words, must be accompanied by plentiful photographic material that will guide the reader step by step throughout the procedure. Each figure must be accompanied by an explanatory legend. References should be limited to 10; the author is not obliged to embed them in the text, but they should be provided at the end of the text as «suggested reading».

7) Commentaries of interesting articles: They are short articles commenting selected articles with special interest published by another journal submitted with the consent of the Editorial Board. The text should be limited to 1.500 words.

8) Letters to the editor: They are commentaries referred to articles published by the journal. Their length should be limited to 500 words and up to 5 references.

Manuscripts should be submitted via e-mail ( accompanied by a cover letter, addressed to the Editor, stating: the title and the type of the manuscript, that it has not been published or has been submitted simultaneously elsewhere for publication,that all authors have approved and are in agreement with the content of the manuscript and that upon acceptance the copyright is transferred to the H.J.C.A.M.. At submission, the manuscript is encoded with a Reference Number which will be provided to the corresponding author, who should use it in all future contacts with the journal.

Manuscripts must be submitted in Greek or English and in.doc or.docx (MS Word) format. The text must be double spaced with a margin of 3 cm in all sides and should be written in Times New Roman fonts, size 12 pt. Page numbering should be continuous, starting from the title page, and included in the lower right-hand corner. Lines should be numbered consecutively throughout the text in the left margin of the page.

Manuscript should include the following parts: title page, abstract with keywords, main text, acknowledgments, references and figure legends.

1) Title page: Should be arranged as follows: (a) title in lower case letters, (b) names of authors (surname and initials), (c) affiliations of all authors, separated by superscript Arabic numerals, (d) the name, address, e-mail and telephone number of the corresponding author who should be designated by an asterisk (*), (e) a short title up to forty characters.

2) Abstract: Must not exceed 250 words. Three to five keywords should be provided below the abstract. Keywords should reflect the international terms of Index Medicus (

3) Main text: Reviews are subdivided by the author as appropriate to the subject matter. Original articles should be arranged as follows: (a) Introduction: Provides enough pertinent information on the topic and a clear statement of the purpose of the study. (b) Materials and Methods: Should describe in detail the experimental design to ensure that another researcher is able to replicate the study. If animals have been used in a study, the animal welfare authority under which the work was conducted must be stated along with authorization reference number, while for clinical cases the informed consent of the owner should be mentioned. (c) Results: Should be presented in a rational order avoiding repetitive presentation between the text, tables and figures. (d) Discussion: The most significant findings of the study are commented. Results are discussed with respect to the purpose of the study. Attempts should be made to explain any contradictory or unexpected findings to the original hypothesis. Discussion should not be a simple presentation of the results. Findings that were not described in the results should not be reported and commented in the discussion. Results should be compared with those reported by others and findings should be reported as they have been concluded by study results. Case reports are comprised by introduction, case report and discussion. What is your diagnosis does not contain an introduction and discussion. The text begins with a description of the case followed by rational questions raised by the author that will contribute to the approach of the diagnostic issue. Letters to the editor are not subdivided.

4) Acknowledgements: Should be provided only to those who had a real contribution to the study.

5) References: References should be set according to the Vancouver system. References are numbered consecutively in the order in which they first appear in the text, using superscript Arabic numerals. Reference details are provided with the same numerical order at the end of the text. Each reference contains the surnames of all the authors and the initials of their name, the full title of the article, the official abbreviation of the journal title (follow the list of Index Medicus), the year, the volume and the first and the last page of the article. Book chapters are listed as follows: names of the authors, title of the chapter, title of the book, editor(s), edition, publisher, town, year and first and last page of the chapter.

Types of references:

1. Tangner CH, Hobson HP. A retrospective study of 20 surgically managed cases of collapsed trachea. Vet Surg 1982, 11: 146-149.

2. Payne JD, Mehler SJ, Weisse C. Tracheal Collapse. Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet 2006 (May), 373-382.

3. Hawkins EC. Tracheal wash and bronchoalveolar lavage in management of respiratory disease. In: Current veterinary therapy XI. Kirk RW (ed). 2nd edn.WB Saunders: Philadelphia, 1992, pp. 795- 800.

4. Cotes JE. Lung function: Assessment and Application in Medicine. 5th edn.Blackwell Scientific Publications: Oxford, 1993.

5. Schwarz PEH. Public Health Implications: Translation into diabetes prevention initiatives - Four - level public health concept. Med Clin North Am 2011, Article In Press. Wyndaele JJ. Interstitial cystitis / chronic bladder pain syndrome. In: Congress proceedings of the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine - Companion Animals. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2006, pp. 159-163.

6. Global Health and Security Initiative. Middle East consortium of infectious disease surveillance (MEDICS). 2009, projects/mecids, (accessed 12 March 2008).

6) Tables: Tables are numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, as cited in the text. They should be submitted as separate files. Directly above is supplied their number (eg. Table 1) and a title in lowercase letters. If there are explanations that help the reader in understanding its content, they should appear as footnotes and marked with superscript symbols.

7) Figures: Figures, graphs, diagrams, etc. belong to the “figures”. Figures are numbered with Arabic numerals as cited in the text. Figure legends should be provided after references. Images must be saved in JPEG or TIFF format with a resolution of up to 300dpi.

Terminology (nomenclature) and units: Drugs are referred with the name of their active ingredient and not their commercial name. The first time they appear in the text they are followed by their generic name and manufacturer in brackets. Dose, route and frequency of administration must be presented in brackets in the text. Units should follow the international system (IU).

Any abbreviation used should be spelled out the first time appeared in the text followed by the abbreviation in brackets.

All manuscripts submitted to the journal are reviewed by minimum of 2 reviewers who are experts on the field and are unaware of authors names. Corresponding author is notified within a reasonable period of time for the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript. Manuscripts that pass the peer review process are returned to the corresponding author. Authors are expected to revise their manuscript or/and respond to reviewers’ comments. The revised manuscript and response to the reviewers’ comments should be resubmitted within 4 week period accompanied by a cover letter. Manuscripts accepted for publication are forwarded by the Editorial Board to a translator to be translated in the second language of the journal. Accuracy of the translated text relays upon the responsibility of the authors. The translated manuscript will be sent for approval to the corresponding author and it should be returned to the journal within a 2 week period. The two final proofs, Greek and English, will be sent to the corresponding author for the final corrections. At this stage no changes are allowed in the text. Reprints are not available, but a copy of the final manuscript will be provided via e-mail to the corresponding author (pdf).


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Hellenic Journal of
Companion Animal Medicine

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64 Louizis Riankour Street,
115 23 Athens
Tel.: +30 210 7759727
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